When an elector attaches so much importance to pensions, is the message that they send about employment which is no longer enough to ensure the prosperity of the family?

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Quand un électeur accorde autant d'importance aux pensions, le message qu’il envoie est-il que l’emploi ne suffit plus à assurer la prospérité de la famille?


2 Replies

gices Level 6

I think they are targeting a specific group of the community when they talk about pensions which is the elderly. The younger generation do not see the instant benefit but it makes a huge difference to pensioners or people who are about to retire.

By making pension more enticing to those people, they hope to secure a vote from this specific group.

Do you think it's more to do with employment not being enough though?

sarah_7 Level 2

People as from their late 50s do vote on pension basis. yes I do believe employment isn't enought. From my personal observation the majority of small local businesses haven't been able to adapt to our changing country which in turns cause alot of businesses to go bankrupt. Last time I checked we have 50 businesses that go bankrupt (most are less than 3 years) every month. Another thing is that many of local businesses prefer to outsource foreign workers instead of local ones. Our youths often leave university without proper skillls to get a job. I have been told by several managers that they will never hire graduates from UOM. And it came to my understanding that the majority of graduates wait 1-2 years before getting their first full time job. In a study by UOM, the majority of graduates were under employed with many jobless six months after graduating with one degree holder having to work as a cleaner (article is in lexpress). All these things makes it harder for current students to get a side job to pay for their courses. Many do indeed rely on their grandparent's pension. Some grandparents pay for their grand children's school fees. The minimum wage of RS 9000 isn't enough when you consider that a single bedroom appartment can costs around 6000 with groceries 1500-2000 per week for a family of four, electricity 1500, water 500. So of course many family do indeed rely on the pension of their elders. Also many foreign compagnies that have implemented in mauritius to benefit from our low tax outsource most of their qualified staff from europe leaving locals with manual jobs. There has been mass layoffs when the minimum wage was implemented.

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