Which car should I buy?

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16 replies
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I'm planning to buy a car in the next 12-15 months. Being a university student, what do you recommend me? Of course, buying a brand new car is impossible at the moment.

I calculated my budget and I don't think that I can afford more than Rs30,000. But I often see cars at that price for sale. I'm a noob concerning cars.

16 Replies

Peaches Level 3
Rs 30,000 hmm, you will be better off saving Rs 100,000 that's the minimum I have seen a decent car. Remember to add things like registration, insurance, fuel and road tax to your costs. they quickly add up.
Khush_Mendossa Level 3
Rs 100,000. I need to find Rs 70,000 more now :p
moricien Level 2
With Rs80k you can a good budget car..Toyota or Nissan will be best option..
moricien Level 2
Khush_Mendossa Level 3
Hmm..You got the links for this?
legend Level 1
Yeah as Gices said, save for some time to be able to buy a "better" car. Else, you'll just end up spending far more than Rs 30,000 if you buy a car in that price range!

But then again it's better you buy your car when you finish Uni and start to work! :p
Khush_Mendossa Level 3
I'm so tired of public transport :(
legend Level 1
Oh I feel your pain! Once I got my car, it was really really hard to travel by bus again. I don't miss the 'comfort' of the buses on my route though!

Another thing to think about; if you get a car now, will you be able to cover the fuel and repair costs yourself?
Khush_Mendossa Level 3
I live on the central plateau. So while going to lower regions I'll drive on 'point mort' lol! Fuel economy :p

But I think yes I will be able to take a drive atleast 4 days a week. Repair cost may be hard indeed.
legend Level 1
I'll still advise against buying a car right now though. Unless you've got Rs 100K-150K, you won't get a relatively "good, reliable, and safe" car.

I see you already have the mentality to save on fuel! :p lol
gices Level 6
With Rs30,000, you'll get an old banger and you're likely to spend a lot more than what you paid in repairs and maintenance. Trust me, it's going to be more trouble than do you any good. So save up for a longer period and then buy a car which is more reliable.

Btw why don't you get a scooter instead?
Khush_Mendossa Level 3
I'm scared of 2 wheels lol
Yeah talked to some people in the evening they also told me to save up more :/
gices Level 6
Oh come on, bikes are not that scary!

But I've always preferred cars to motorcycles too. What puts me off from having only a bike as a mode of transport is that you're going to get wet if it rains. You don't have this problem with a car unless you're buying a really old car :P
Khush_Mendossa Level 3
No way I'm gonna buy a bike. It's more dangerous than a car in my opinion. And I fall too often on my bicycle so on a bike.... hehe.
gices Level 6
You can get 2 smaller wheels added to the bike just like for little kids, lol
Khush_Mendossa Level 3
lol damn u!
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