When neighbours start making too much noise, what do you do?

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Around midnight on a weekend, as I was going to switch off the TV, I realised some children were making a lot of noise on the street. I looked out and realised my neighbour, who was having a party at his house, was still playing the music loud and it didn’t like he would stop any time soon. So I went out and saw one of his family members which I happen to know and asked him if it was possible to tell the kids to keep it low and he nodded. There was silence for some 10 minutes but then afterwards the kids decided it would be fun to play football outside. So with the loud music from his house to entertain his guests and the noise the kids were making to keep themselves amused, I was supposed to get a good night sleep.

The neighbour is a good man and I’ve known him for a long time but I wished he was more compassionate towards other people on the same street. He likes to throw a party every once in a while and to be honest that’s way better because I’ve had worst neighbours before. However I don’t understand why a parent would let their children stay awake till so late in the night but even if they did, they surely need to realise that although they are having fun, some people are trying to sleep.

Anyway, I’m writing up on this because there was a TV programme which I’ve watched a couple of times in England called “Neighbours from Hell” and believe me, you wouldn’t want those people anywhere close to you. The extent they would go to annoy the other party is unbelievable. They wouldn’t let you live in peace and I know some people in Mauritius as well have experienced the same thing. It can get so bad you want to move out of that area and find another house, somewhere else, very far from away.

Have you ever lived next to bad neighbours? What’s your experience?

gices Level 6
I'm a Software Developer and the co-founder of Clever Dodo. Born in Mauritius and now living in the UK, I usually blog about fitness, music, spirituality and driving topics to pass on my knowledge.
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