How do you overcome loneliness?

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akashakash Level 1

Lol Rose is a girl, I thought that was obvious.

For me, i like solitude (staying alone), its not loneliness. I choose to stay alone. Why? Because i like it. 2nd reason is I work more efficiently alone. But in reality how can we ever be alone when God is always with us?

But that doesn't mean I don't enjoy with people. I love to hang out with friends - joking, laughing, enjoying their company. But I also need to be alone with myself :p

I need both.

So loneliness can be overcomed in 2 ways:
1) hang out with people
2) perform activities that require only 1 person (you) for e.g any self improvement activity.

Now where to find people?
Join a club to do something you love or want to learn.
Or Join a club whose aim is to help people.
Social networking is shit - actually anything virtual is not good.
Always meet people in real life.
Now i'm not saying not to communicate on social network, just don't limit that new relationship to just something virtual - make it real by meeting them in real life ( Always take precautions though - you never know what kind person they really are!!)

1 Reply
RoseOfUniverse Level 3

Amazing reply, Akash!^_^ I really love it.

gices Level 6

You do not overcome loneliness, you embrace it.

To overcome it would mean to find something to replace it with. You could do that by finding someone else to hang out with, starting a new hobby, buying things to fill in the void.

However those don't address the root of the problem. It's all in the mind. You have to find comfort in your own company, to stop thinking external factors are what make you happy.

Meditation is a sure way to achieve this.

1 Reply
RoseOfUniverse Level 3

Interesting. How do you become happy in your own company? Have you been able to do/feel it? Can you laugh out loud by yourself when you are alone? Can you feel the joy of trusting or the feeling of support from someone? Can you feel the happiness of sharing in your own company?

gices Level 6

There was a great video on Youtube of Osho on "From loneliness to aloneness". I think they've taken it down for copyright reasons.

Anyway, in aloneness you are happy with yourself AS IS, all you need is within you - the peace, the laughter, the aspiration.

In loneliness, you are deprived of the outside factors which have a direct influence on you.

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ashpreneur Level 1

Ask someone out! I know it seems hard, but hey, what's the worst thing that could happen? Her saying no? Move on to the next one. Most females are just waiting on you to ask and be persistent

1 Reply
RoseOfUniverse Level 3

Interesting concept. The next time I find myself attract to a woman( Probably not in this birth :P ) I will ask her out.if she rejects, I will be persistent, if it does not work, I will make sure to move on to the next one. :P :P :P

sarah_7 Level 2

I feel most lonely around the crowd even if they like me and around the geographically close people who hate me. That feeling on loneliness goes away when I'm alone doing many activities. I've visited almost all meseums and art galleries of Mauritius more than once. I felt inspired. I went to many gardens and nature parks. I played with animals, deers, ect. I want to learn piano and violin someday. I like photography and filming. I travel around the island and I take pictures of mountrains or other natural places. I like to be around nature I do many activities and all of them are alone. When I'm in a group, I feel restricted. Unable to decide. Being so alone can make me sick at times. Most of my friends are free on weekends while I'm free on week days and I'm at an age where they all get married and have kids so they are always busy. So I do my numerous activities alone. I do ask my friends but it's like they are always unavailable. I used to have a dog following me around all the time but now that she is gone. I feel her absence daily

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