The Mauritian Education system is failing the young people of the country

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To what extent do you agree with this statement?

9 Replies

yonne Level 2
True – too much emphasis on the academic aspect of education, I have always found this wrong, people are different, if they do not excel in something they should be allowed to try something else, why not introduce some pottery classes, music, cooking, agriculture etc, creativity is an important part of the educational system that the Mauritian system does not consider at all.
National exams at form 3? Now that does not make any sense to me apart being more stressful to students, 2 years later you have the SC exams, then 2 years later again, HSC, if you believe that having an exam at form3 will prepare students for SC exams, why, the next thing you will hear is that you are having national exams at form 1 to prepare students for the form3 exams.
A total lack of materials in schools, overhead projector, videos, educational excursions etc make lessons more interesting, you will find such things in private schools mostly, if the government/PSSA is investing in education, why not do it thoroughly and go for things that will help students.
The way of teaching itself is not very appropriate, mostly because most of the Mauritian teachers have secured their jobs based on who they know up the ladder, I know this is harsh but true. Most of the teachers do not even have proper degrees to teach or even PGCEs, teaching is a job that demands a lot of responsibility, you have to know what you are doing and how you are doing it, you have to train your staff to reach the level that you expect them to have or employ people who are worth it.
False – whatever you say, education is free.
You get social help at all levels, books and school paraphernalia, university scholarships etc.
The educational level is quite high be it at secondary or tertiary level.
Maybe I am biased, but I can see mostly all of the flaws that the educational system has, I have been to a private school, worked in an international school and my sister studied in a S.S. school and you know these three educational systems are just so different for a small island like Mauritius. I wonder if it would not make sense to carry out a national survey about the educational system of Mauritius and make amendments based on what people expect their kids to get or what kids want to get as an education.
2 Reply

Can anyone give me information on qualification to teach in tertiary institution in mauritius and the salary range

gices Level 6

A master's degree in the relevant field and salary is Rs25,000+ in the government sector but you can earn more in the private sector.

vickshibdoyal Level 1

Being or becoming good teacher, does not depend on Politicians or on the Educational system. It comes from inside, depending on how far the teacher has developed his Values, character and personality. How far the teacher is devoted and dedicated into his job. It depends on the person what and how he wants to be. We can't generalize and say that teachers in Mauritius are 'JUST ORDINARY'. There are not are good teachers out there.
The problem in Mauritius is that many teachers, specifically in the Primary sector driven by extra monetary gains. An the present educational system allows this. Of course the educational system should be reviewed, as it can be so traditional and outdated. There should be a paradigm shift, all the countries in the world are constantly reviewing and updating their educational systems, so that it may cater to the present needs of our society.
Findland has the best educational system in the world. Even the Americans take example from them.
Watch this guys.

Ken Robinson says that the present educational system was designed centuries ago by the Victorians, where industrialization was in vogue, so they had to train individual in batches. It had a aim to train them specifically to the basic literacy and numeracy skills..And our schools are operating in the same way.
Is the present Educational system in Mauritius cater or coping with the changing situations??

Do you know how many students are coming out of University with a degree in hand?

Do you know how many graduates are jobless?

Why is it so?

There is a lot to say enough for today.

1 Reply
kajalmahadawo Level 1

we don't say a aim but an aim sir

Peaches Level 3
I think its terrible, I don't understand why students also need to take private tuition, shouldn't it all be taught at school? Its a shame because there are so many young Mauritian students who have so much potential but cannot afford tuition for them to pass. Its also the same for University fees, more help should be available its a shame that poorer families have to mortgage property or sell land in order to send their children to Uni. I have also heard of families that send their sons to Uni and not their daughters, now that is just wrong.

Everyone should have the opportunity to go and get a degree.
sphinx Level 2
Like with anything in life, there are pros and cons for everything. I personally think that more could be done to improve the education sector in Mauritius such as more help when it comes to tertiary education. Many people still cannot afford the yearly University fees and the government should help them more.
Peaches Level 3
I agree, Uni fees deter many from going as it is too much of a financial burden on the family.
gices Level 6
I find the problems with the current education system outweighs the advantages that it has. Free education for all is a good thing and compulsory education until a certain age ensures that the young generation have the best start in life.

However too much emphasis is placed on private tuition whether it's in primary or secondary schools. It seems that relying just on schools is not enough to pass with good grades and parents are being forced to send their children for private tutoring to maximise their chances.

Primary and secondary schools run from January to December and tertiary education (Universities in Mauritius) start from September to June/August. Where's the logic in that? You need to have them all start at the same time so that students don't lose precious time waiting for their next course to start.

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