For how many years the person has to work in Mauritius having gotten a scholarship and completing the studies abroad?

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Khush_Mendossa Level 3

2 years

All beneficiaries of the new Government Scholarship and Bursary Schemes will: (i) have to work for at least 2 years in the public sector in Mauritius under the ‘Service to Mauritius Programme’ after completing their first degree; and (ii) be given priority of placement under the ‘Service to Mauritius Programme’ for their two-year local service. Exceptionally, they may be allowed to take a job in the private sector in Mauritius. However, such requests from beneficiaries may be considered on a case to case basis.

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gices Level 6

As has been said above, it's 2 years. There are cases though where students who have gone to abroad on scholarships have not returned back to Mauritius. They have preferred to stay abroad to earn more money and better jobs. I don't know the legal implications of doing this, but I doubt the government will let you go easily. Probably they've going to ask you to pay back everything that was sponsored for you with interest.

Sagitarius Level 2

The government certainly won't let you go easily

gices Level 6

Nice find Sagitarius. So it seems for the SSR National Scholarship and State of Mauritius Scholarship, you need to return within a period of 6 months after completing your studies and have to work for 5 years in the country for the government, otherwise you'll be sued for a sum of Rs500,000.

Hans_Seesaghur Level 1

Well some come back after finishing their scholarship abroad and want to get a job in the ministry under the serivce to mauritius programme but can't get into as it seems that the minsitry already chose the "best qualified candidates"

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