Scholarship in Mauritius

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The key to success in life has always been known to be education. Being a rapidly developing island, Mauritius finds itself in the need of specialists to fill in the different posts of expertise being now created. However, many people still cannot afford tertiary education and so in an attempt to boost these people in their careers, the government offers a number of scholarships for all outstanding and needy students based on certain criteria as set down by the government of Mauritius; after a thorough screening process and consequent interviews, scholarships are offered to those who deserve it.

State Scholarships
Each year, the government offers 30 undergraduate scholarships for further studies abroad (15 boys and 15 girls) to outstanding HSC students based on academic records. The SSR National Scholarship is offered to 1 boy and 1 girl for fully funded medical studies while the State of Mauritius Scholarship is offered to 8 boys and 8 girls for their choice of course of study; the studies are also fully funded and can be up to 4 years. Additional scholarships of up to Rs590,000 per year are offered to 6 boys and 6 girls (one boy and one girl from Rodrigues included) for a degree of up to 4 years.

University of Mauritius Undergraduate Scholarships
The University of Mauritius offers a number of scholarships to needy undergraduate students based on total family income, social security benefits and HSC results. The students must be full time enrolled students with no other granted scholarship, show good academic results, and good attendance once the scholarship is granted. While the SSR Foundation Fund Loan Scheme provides interest free loan to needy students, other funds can also be consulted for needy students such as The University Needy Students Fund supported by the Swaisland Fund and the Trust Fund For Social Integration of Vulnerable Groups.

Scholarships include the Soomunth Balgobin - Maya Luchman Balgobin Trust Scholarship offered to 1 boy and 1 girl (Rs2,000/month), The State Insurance Company of Mauritius (SICOM) Scheme to 2 needy students either from the Faculty of Law or Social Science (Rs20,000/year), Sponsorship from the Foundation Espoir et Developpement to needy students (Rs15,000/year), Sponsorship from Fondation Medine Horizons open to students living on the west coast of the island who are enrolled at the Faculty of Social Science (Rs15,000/year), the Mauritius Duty Free Paradise Co. Ltd Scholarship Scheme that grants 10 full scholarships to needy students, the Barclays Bank PLC Mauritius Scholarship to 2 needy students, the Mutual Aid Foundation Scholarship to 15 needy and deserving students, the Human Resource, Knowledge and Arts Development Fund (Rs150,000/year), the Pricewater House Coopers Ltd Scholarship to 3 students of the Faculty of Law and Management (Rs30,000/year), the Meera Ramdoyal – Shah Foundation to one needy student at the Faculty of Law and Management (Rs25,000/year), the Sugar Industry Labour Welfare Fund is allocated to 5 students of each faculty whose parents are in the sugar industry, the Airports of Mauritius Co.Ltd Needy Students Scholarship Scheme to 2 students of the Faculty of Science and 3 students of the Faculty of Engineering and the Scholarship under the CSR of the SIT group which offers 10 scholarships (Rs15,000/year).

University of Mauritius Postgraduate Scholarships
One scholarship is offered to the best student per faculty each year based on academic record; it includes a fee of Rs14,200/month for MPhil research (2 years) and Rs15,500 (2 years) to PhD students and the Tertiary Education Commission of Mauritius also offers the same funding to students having at least a 2:1 degree for further studies. Other scholarships include the Mauritius Research Council Postgraduate Award which is offered to 20 students (Rs40,000/year), the Postgraduate Scholarship from the MSIRI (tuition fees + stipend Rs10,000/month), the TEC Postdoctoral Research Fellowship which is opened to PhD Holders and a 2:1 degree (Rs17,500/month), The Food and Allied Group Research Grant (Rs30,000/year) to students conducting research in the food field.

A number of other scholarships is offered by the University of Mauritius such as vacation schemes for HSC and degree holders. More information can be obtained at

Open scholarships
Numerous scholarships are offered by abroad universities for Commonwealth and SADC countries and since Mauritius falls in both categories applications can be made. The government of Mauritius website advertises foreign scholarships regularly at

yonne Level 2

7 Replies

JKC_Member Level 1

Can you tell us the exact formalities to be followed to apply for the scholarships? Online forms are outdated. Should we go to the Admissions and Student Records Office in UoM or another place first?

JJ94 Level 1

online application for needy students in UOM is available on the following address: closing date for application is 31 July 2013

Babel_Gouranna Level 1

There is a problem when considering the families income!! the reason is that my mum is a beneficiary of the national pension scheme of RS3000, she monthly paid rent Rs2500. When I take the decision to work night shift hours in a company my scholarship has been cancelled..!!!How do you think i will be able to pay my courses as well as providing fund to my family? This is unfair!

gices Level 6

Yep, that is not right? Is there a clause in the scholarship which says you cannot work?

julia Level 1
Why are full timers students only benefiting the scholarships?What about those part timers who also face many difficulties?...The government should care for then as well cause it is not all part timers who earn a basic salary of over 10000,and to pay there tuition fees thrice their salary.I think the state should be a bit more comprehensive and sponsor at least those needy part time students.I am talking about it as i am a part time student at the university of Mauritius and it is not easy with the transport that i have to pay in spite of the high tuition fees.
gices Level 6
As a part-timer, do you not get free bus transport when going to University?
julia Level 1
Unfortunately no.
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