Why don't we have unemployment benefits in Mauritius?

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There's a pension for most things like retirement, child allowance, disability, widow, carer etc. Then why not for those people who don't have a job?

Not being employed is one thing and being unemployed another. The difference is that the unemployed is someone who wants to work but can't get work for whatever reason whilst the other one is just too lazy to find a job to sustain himself and therefore becomes a parasite for the society.

Of course, there needs to be strict regulations in place so that people do not abuse the system and to make sure the funds are being used for a better cause and to help tackle unemployment in Mauritius as well as supporting those who are genuinely looking to secure a job.

What do you think?

4 Replies

anonymous_4 Level 1

Mauritius have not moved along with the rest of the world. They are still behind I guess !

1 Reply
Khush_Mendossa Level 3

Taken from http://www.ssa.gov/policy/docs/progdesc/...

Unemployment Benefits

Unemployment hardship relief benefit (income-tested): Rs220 a month is payable to the claimant.

Spouse allowance (income-tested): Rs220 a month.

Child allowance (income-tested): Rs85 a month for each child younger than age 10; Rs100 for each child aged 10 to 14; and Rs145 for each child aged 15 to 19 in full-time education or disabled and dependent.

Rent allowance (income-tested): 50% of the rent paid by the claimant, up to a maximum of Rs170.

The minimum unemployment hardship relief benefit is Rs120.

Benefit adjustment: Benefits are normally adjusted annually in July according to changes in the cost of living.


NOW imagine living with this 'benefit'.

gices Level 6
That's from 2004-2005 and it's outdated. The gov.mu website no longer lists unemployment benefits because it has been abolished a while back.
sphinx Level 2
Everyone would stop working and claim benefits, that's why the government does not want to introduce such a system in Mauritius :)
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