I dont understand why there is system of competing for being laureates in Mauritius and why not same chances open for all students of HSC

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sphinx Level 2

To reward the best students for their outstanding performance.

What is wrong with the system?

2 Reply
van Level 1

its stupid to judge a student's capacity to compete by only by looking at the SC results..any student can change in a year or two!!

gices Level 6

I suppose this serves as a motivation for students in the first place. Now not all families have the facilities to send their children to pursue further studies whether in Mauritius or abroad. Some just can't afford it and others will find themselves in huge debts. Should the A star student suffer because he does not have the means to continue his studies? No, and it benefits the country as well to retain these talents and make sure they excel.

Now why should somebody who has not done well (maybe because of a lack of interest in education) get the same reward as someone who has studied hard? It would be unfair...

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