Making Wordpress theme look cooler

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I am currently designing a theme for my wordpress blog. And it's quite boring. So i need some suggestion to make the theme better. Here are some snapshots: header middle Footer

I need some ideas to make it look better!

If possible, ideas with coding would be better!

Thank you.

5 Replies

sarah_7 Level 2

the default theme for bakery is cool. I'm not sure that you'll get it with the free option

Peaches Level 3

I remember those days, I hated Wordpress, I find Blogger much better. I have 7 blogs, some have been customised by myself but it is time consuming so now I just download or buy themes, its so much better and in most cases free. Here is an example of one that I have but is not ready yet, its a work in progress, Mauritius Recipes Wordpress is okay if you have the patience, you can download free themes and then tweak them until they suit your needs.

gices Level 6

Why reinvent the wheel when there are loads of free designs to choose from? There are so many wordpress themes out there and you'll get the css/code along when you download them. I'd say browse the templates and when you find one that you like, then just install it on your site. You'll save so much time.

Or you can get an existing theme and customise it to your taste. That's better use of your time.

But if you want to still start from scratch, then I suggest you get a decent logo designed for the site, add more colourful colours, maybe a contrasting background to please the eyes and add featured images to your posts so they don't look so boring.

Atti_dude Level 1

I've already downloaded and tested many free themes and i even managed to get some premium themes for free.

The problem with free themes are that they lack of many features and i can add the features which will take a lot of time so why not create my own one.

Now the problem with premium themes are that they are too complicated to use. There are so many features in them that are beyond my understanding lol. Widgets, menus and many more.

So finally i decided to create one from scratch and it took me 2 weeks. Since now it is ready and i want to modify it to make it look better.

Thanks for your advice, i think you are right. I will change its colour from light blue to another one.

Can you suggest me some colours for background,post,footer and comments that will look good ?

gices Level 6

I'm more of a programmer than a designer, so I can't really help you there. Try to see the colour combination on other websites and do the same for yours. Or there are websites which which show you what colours go well with others. I tweeted about this before but can't remember it now. So google away!

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