How much money do pensioners get?

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My nan will be moving back to Mauritius in a few months she is over 75 (77 to be precise) what is the current amount she will receive for her pension?

2 Replies

gices Level 6
She will get Rs2945.

The breakdown of the pension is as follows:

60-89 : Rs3,146
90-99 : Rs9,357
Aged 100 and above : Rs10,621

There are a few requirements which need to be fulfilled:

1. The person must have lived in Mauritius for a period of 12 years (it doesn't need to be 12 consecutive years but it should total to 12 years) when they had turned 18
2. The above requirement does not need to be fulfilled if you are a Mauritian citizen aged 70 or older
3. As a non-citizen, you must have lived here for at least 15 years in total starting from your 40th birthday and 3 of those years prior to when you make the claim.

Rates updated 29 September 2011
yonne Level 2
yes indeed, about Rs3,000.
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