Villas Mauritius

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If you’re looking to holiday in Mauritius, i'ts worth taking the time to think about where you want to stay. If it’s your first visit, the idea of staying in a self catering villa can be a little scary as you don’t know what life is like in that country. If on the other hand, you have been to Mauritius before then you may want to further explore the country independently by opting for self-catering and having the freedom to do things on your own. There are many villas for short term holiday lets available that cost the same as a self-catering apartment in Spain. So if it's affordability you want, there are villas for all budgets. There are simple villas and luxurious villas. Most villas in Mauritius also come with a swimming pool but as you know the sea is so inviting and crystal clear that the pool is sometimes not needed. The great thing about villas in Mauritius is that you can also pay extra to have a chef to cook for you daily; they’ll come to your villa and freshly prepare your meals daily. The best advantage of staying in a villa in Mauritius is that you can hire a car; car hire in Mauritius is very simple and cheap too. The cheapest you can hire a car is £140 for a Nissan Micra, the perfect size for the small narrow streets and for parking in the busy beach resorts. Petrol is also very cheap so in total (hiring costs + petrol) you can spend under £200 for a week’s car hire to see all the natural beauty Mauritius has to offer. If you feel really brave then try out the local transportation; the bus service is reliable and if you don’t know where to get off the conductor will tell you when you’re near. Bus travel is not for the fainthearted as they will break speed regulations and it can be unsafe as they do not limit how many passengers can board the bus. If you choose to have a villa holiday in Mauritius then read about the area thoroughly before you do so. There should be a supermarket within walking distance and a car should not be a necessity. The owners of the villa should be able to answer all queries and provide you with enough information on your visit to Mauritius. You can also get tourist maps that can help guide you around Mauritius so you do not have to rely on locals telling you were to go.
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