Ageing Population of Mauritius

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Mauritius is becoming more and more like European countries where fewer children being born and more people living longer.
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gices Level 6

I think the advancement in the health sector has enabled people to live longer everywhere in the world, provided they have access to it. Mauritius has a free healthcare system and many hospitals are equipped with modern (although not latest) technologies to treat several costly diseases such as heart attacks.

Many people also seem to be high earners and can afford private clinics. I've even heard of parents going to Apollo Bramwell because their child was coughing, so this seems to suggest some people are really well off financially.

It has also become the norm nowadays to get health insurance as soon as you start working. Maybe people want better treatment in private clinics and/or peace of mind whatever life has in store for them, they'll be well looked after without having to worry about the high costs of complicated operations.

And with regards to your last question, yes parents are now having fewer kids because they realise the cost of living has increased and they'll rather have one or two children and offer them the best they possibly can than having lots of kids and struggle all their life.

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