Why do Mauritians think that Cannabis/Marijuana is bad, despite it is safe and kills none?

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I'm surprised by all the children thinking that it is bad. Even a great majority of adults I've encountered tell me that it's bad. And these people consume alcohol and tobacco.

5 Replies

Peaches Level 3

Whilst I agree that it can be used for medicinal purposes why anyone would want to be doped up is stupid, it is a well known fact that cannabis kills the brain cells. I know of many people that have become reliant on it and find it hilarious that you think its not bad.

In my book cannabis and alcohol belong in the same category, they make you lose your senses or dumb them down so you have less or no control over your body or actions.

gices Level 6

If you claim that cannabis or marijuana is NOT bad, then a reference to a trusted source will be appreciated by most people who read the question since most of us have been told to believe the contrary since childhood.

Although science has not yet prove whether these products are actually detrimental to the health, I believe that any products which would knock you off your feet and make you lose part or all of your senses is bad and should not be consumed.

The state of not being in control of your own body should be avoided because you never know whether you're in good company or not although for most it's that state of letting go that gives them pleasure.

Khush_Mendossa Level 3

Your last sentence tells me that you want alcohol and tobacco banned then. Alcohol makes some people do bad things. Cannabis relaxes you.

Cannabis has so many medicinal effects.

The main reason why people are against this, is that, drug dealers mix substances with pure cannabis and make it lethal. Imagine you add poison to water, people will think that water is bad.

A source everyone knows is Wikipedia

1 Reply
Zeroun Level 1

Why drink and drive , smoke it & you can fly .. lol

moricien Level 2

I dunno if children think its bad. Because where I live here, its all a normal thing for them.. Smoking cannabis, filming and talking about their adventures is normal.. Not all though, just some old people think that all of this is bad.. World is changing man.. :)

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