Does anyone believe in bad luck on Friday the 13th?

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8 replies
6 users
If you haven't realised yet, today is Friday the 13th and according to ancient superstition, this day is supposed to be the worst day of the year because it brings bad luck to everyone.

Many people are scared to go out and try to stay safe in their homes. From your experience, would you consider Friday 13 to be a bad and inauspicious day or just a normal day?

8 Replies

sphinx Level 2
That's just old superstition. We live in the 21st century and believing in those things is absolute rubbish.
Invisible_Voice Level 1
No it's just like any other day for me, where both bad and good luck can happen. People just tend to remember more the bad things that happened to them on this date than any other one.
Khush_Mendossa Level 3
I guess for you it's a lucky day as you're now a member of CleverDodo :)
gices Level 6
Like you said, people tend to associate something bad that happened to them on that day with the day itself being unlucky. If that was the case, then all the 7 days of the week would have been unlucky!
Khush_Mendossa Level 3
I believe it's luck for some people (just like the one who played lotto on Friday 13th last year and won the jackpot) and bad luck for others (on this date it was the first time I missed school bus in secondary school as I was in Form I..Lol).
gices Level 6
That might have been a coincidence and nothing to do with Friday the thirteenth. It's weird how people tend to remember bad things more than good memories.
moricien Level 2
Well I didn't know we are Friday 13th until I came here :p No I don't believe in it. I'll never consider it to bring bad luck and i'll never be afraid to go out also..

Its just a normal day for me, with the exception to see some friends freaking out about it on the street xD
gices Level 6
Good to see that it's not a bad omen for you :D
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