Do you think it's true that some governments are controlling weather?

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Well, what reliable sources are revealing appear to be true. They can control other nations' weather and make them literally beg for rain if they do no comply.

Read these sources before you answer/comment:

Dailymail Gizmodo

6 Replies

ziya Level 2

I don't think govt can fight with nature and control the weather.

Khush_Mendossa Level 3

So what everybody is saying about China is just a hoax?

gices Level 6

Possibly with clouds, rain, thunderbolts and lightnings but not with other things such as making the sun come out when they want to.

The claims that one country is boycotting another nation is purely political in my opinion. It could be well right as it could be wrong...

Khush_Mendossa Level 3

Hmm...they could nevertheless control the sun rays with 'heavy clouds'. I need to research more on the chemical they are using.

Controlling the weather...right from Uncle Scrooge old comic books!

Iron_Man Level 2

The Middle East countries always have something against the Western. Okay it can be possible to change a country's climate, but why is only the Western who is accused? Their minds are set on the US. What would the US gain from preventing rain ONLY in Iran? Is there any other Eastern country making similar claims? The climate is severely changing, have they not thought about that?
What!? Western states created the HIV virus?? No Seriously? -_-
In my view: Iran just wants some attention nothing more...

China creating rain is true. They use this method in areas that suffers from severe drought. Yes it has some problems (killing or injuring people), but it's for the good of the economy as China produce and consume a lot of rice...

Why Iran is not using this method to solve their problems instead of having nuclear programs and complaining about the scarcity of rain? I'm sure that they have the funds needed for this...

Khush_Mendossa Level 3

Good point. Don't know what Iran is trying to prove.

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