Which is more important and have much value:Education or Money?

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gices Level 6

The question itself is subjective as it depends on the person being put to the test.

Education makes people less ignorant and more civilised. It acts as a tool for a better future and a more coherent society but it does not guarantee a more comfortable life or a better job.

Money is a means to an end. It is pure evil but nevertheless is needed because the society relies on it to function. Without it, there can be a lot of suffering. With it, happiness is not guaranteed.

For me, education is far more sacred than money.

Peaches Level 3

In the current time we are in now I would say money, education does not really make a difference in the UK you can be successful without a degree. In Mauritius however education is a must but like Khush said there needs to be a balance between the two, saying this if I had to choose then it would be money, it sure makes life easier!

Khush_Mendossa Level 3

If there's no balance between these two, then none of them is good.

But it all depends on the situation: In balanced society: Education and money work together.
In a capitalist society: Money is king.
In nature: Only Education has value.

And I'm saying this as a former sociology student.

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