Where should I go tomorrow?

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I am making the most of the 'good' weather and exploring Mauritius before it gets too cold, is there anywhere you can recommend me going for tomorrow? The problem is I have pretty much seen all of Mauritius (I think)so I am now lost for ideas, any suggestions?

7 Replies

gices Level 6
Museums? Have you been to all of them?

How about Aapravasi Ghat or Rivulet Terre Rouge Estuary Bird Sanctuary?
Peaches Level 3
Hmm not entertaining enough for me sorry :@
Khush_Mendossa Level 3
So where have you been today? :p
Peaches Level 3
In the end I went to the Mauritius Glass Gallery in Phoenix and Grand Bassin, it was a nice day for it too, article and pictures coming soon on Clever Dodo!

I wanted to go to Kanaka but couldn't find any signs going there :(
Khush_Mendossa Level 3
Hey so you've been near my house! But I wonder if it was entertaining? lol.. You've made a glass for yourself and daughter?
Peaches Level 3
Yeah I had a really nice day, the monkeys at Grand Bassin entertained my daughter and the glass blowing demonstration kept her amazed. She has a plaster cast of her hands and feet so I hand my hand printed in glass :)
Khush_Mendossa Level 3
Nature Park perhaps?
I prefer seaside though..
Or a quiet place for picnic..not anything grandiose for a relaxing weather :)
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