Where to go for modern Yoga classes?

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Would you know a nice place where one can learn the basics of yoga? Nice atmosphere, accessible place. Thanks

2 Replies

gices Level 6

Let's talk about the cheap way first - go on YouTube and you'll find plenty of tutorials. You just need to get yourself a yoga mat or find something comfortable to lie against so that your body is not lying a hard surface. See the video below for example which is extremely easy to follow as you listen to the instructions given and do them as they're read out:

You can also buy the Nintendo Wii which is really good for Yoga exercises and overall fitness. The interaction is really good.

If you'd rather get out of the house, want more of a social thing or need motivation, then perhaps joining a class will be more helpful. There's plenty of yoga classes around Mauritius, all varying in prices. Just search on Google for the location you'd prefer but be aware some instructors can charge up to Rs450 per hour.

If you need more help with this, please let me know.

Shabana_2 Level 1

Thanks for the reply.
Can you recommend a specific yoga class/location plz?
Preferably a reputed one.

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