How should rapists be dealt with?

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25 Replies

gices Level 6

It's the victim who should be able to decide how they should be punished. They are bearing the physical, emotional and psychological pain, therefore if the society can alleviate their agony in any way by letting them choose the form of punishment, then it would be better.

In cases where the victim is not able to make a decision (maybe because of fear or because in a state of shock), then the aggressor should be imprisoned and inflicted with pain frequently for a pre determined period. They should not be released until an external and independent group of people can vouch the aggressor is reformed and when freed they should be closely monitored.

Khush_Mendossa Level 3

You are all treating the effects. Treat the cause.

gices Level 6

And what's the cause?

Khush_Mendossa Level 3

The causes are definitely porn, exposing clothes, false gurus, sex on t.v and films. You can't put a piece of cake in front of a famished person and tell him not to eat it.

ziya Level 2

@khush what is false gurus?why blaming tv and film when its these people who are mentally sick,and of exposing clothes they rape then what will these rapist do if they are in a beach with lots of tourists girls in swimming suit and exposing clothes

Khush_Mendossa Level 3

Do you Ziya wear bikini on the streets? I guess no. If a 30 second pub has effect on people, then why you say tv and films are not to blame? Use your common sense.

ziya Level 2

and if a girl is wearing some exposing clothes does this means that she must be raped and she deserve must to know the facts and realities,rapes are now happening during day in a bus,and all this happens in front of other people as well but they dont do anything to stop this,what kind of mentality those people have,and if tv and films has so many great effect on these rapist then this means that everyone who watch these kinds of film are rapists.

Khush_Mendossa Level 3

There are many people who visualise rape situations in their heads, even females. But most of them don't act because of fear. I have already told you the causes. Deal with it. Why do girls wear exposing clothes could you tell me? :) Because of warm weather? Lol...

gices Level 6

@Khush : If someone was to offer meat to a strict veg, would he go against his belief and eat that? I don't think so! Similarly a girl wearing revealing clothes is not an invitation for rape.

Your comments seem to show an inclination to shift the blame from the aggressor to the victim. Are you suggesting compassion for the rapist?

ziya Level 2

@khush rape happens with small kids as well,even at age of 3.and for a small child of that age would you still blame her for the type of clothes she was wearing.there are rapists who are arab men living in Saudi Arabia despite in that country women dont wear exposing clothes.

Khush_Mendossa Level 3

I do not have any compassion for fools. I blame only the causes I mentioned. Understand what I say then criticize me with facts please.

gices Level 6

The teacher comes when the student is ready! - Buddha

Khush_Mendossa Level 3

Where does that fit in here?

ziya Level 2

The causes which you have mentioned khush dont have any importance compared to facts.people who thinks that they should cure the causes latter on finds that these causes can never be prevented,,then what about the rape numbers which are increasing.most people just give these causes as reason and thats all no one tries to take a step to prevent rape

Khush_Mendossa Level 3

If you want to prevent rape, eliminate the causes. If you find it impossible then rape will continue. Why are you arguing with me huh.

ziya Level 2

It was you who is arguing.I did not argue.I said what is the facts.

Khush_Mendossa Level 3

You gave your opinion not facts.

ziya Level 2

then how come you know that all the causes you have mentioned are the real causes,did you asked any rapists what made them to rape?

Khush_Mendossa Level 3

Do you ask a dog what makes it bite? Come on...

gices Level 6

@khush & @ziya : This discussion can go on forever, so I think it's better to leave it AS IS now. No need to comment anymore and thank you both for your contribution :)

ziya Level 2

@gices I will not comment anymore now because khush is commenting for nothing.He does not know what to say and expects others to accept what he has said and to say anything one time he writes that whatever I had said are facts and then latter he says that they are not facts but my opinions.Its just useless to comment here

Khush_Mendossa Level 3

What do I say more...I can't fight against a wall.

gices Level 6

I suggested to you both not to comment anymore but none of you listened, so I'm closing down the question to avoid further argument.

moricien Level 2

Seriously they don't have a place in society. they're mentally affected people. the most severe punishment should go to them, according to the law of the country in which the rapist is residing..

Peaches Level 3

They should be castrated but left to suffer for life, execution is the easy way out.

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