Is a French National allowed to stay in Mauritius for more than 6 months after having a baby there?
5 Replies
France is among those countries where you are not required a visa to travel to Mauritius. If you've come here visa-free, then your visit should not exceed 3 months. See this link for more information :
Now it might be possible to extend your stay by going to the Passport & Immigration Office in person but the maximum length of stay you would get is 6 months. You will be required to leave after that time.
The law is clear about tourist should stay for no more than 6 months.
But your case is special. I presume you are already in Mauritius?
So, I would recommend you to contact the Ambassade de France.
Be sure to tell them about the baby. I would suggest that you make a doctor have a statement that due to medical reasons your baby cannot be put on flight...something like that. The doctor should know.
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