Salt pans in Mauritius during french and british period

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hi! i've got some research work to do on the salt pans in MRU during the french and the british period. been to la route du sel at tamarin, was very interesting bt unfortunately didn't get much info on the salt pans apart that it was first installed during the french period. on google neither could not find much info. can anyone give me any help plz! thx.

3 Replies

gices Level 6

Besides what @moricien has said, have you tried checking the library to see if you can get any more information? A lot of information on Mauritius is still in hard copies and not available on the internet at the moment. So your best chance is to go through the history books to extract the data you need.

moricien Level 2

If you still didn't get it, I'd advice you to check the EVS book (6th standard, primary school) of late 2000, I guarantee, you'll get all the information required.

I remember having done that in EVS, but I forgot with time...

Iron_Man Level 2

that awkward moment when EVS books of standard 6 have information that even Google don't have... :/

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