Has anyone read the article about dogs in Mauritius featured in UK DailyMail?

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There was a news feature in today's newspaper the Daily Mail portraying Mauritius in a bad light regarding all the stray dogs in Mauritius. Here's the link :


I know that stray dogs are a problem in Mauritius and I agree that something needs to be done not only for the health and safety of people but also for the dogs too. But I found that the article takes things out of context and has many inaccuracies.

What do you think?

7 Replies

Khush_Mendossa Level 3
This is awful!

But I don't think pet dogs are taken there? Has there been any true report in Mauritius of this atrocity?

If this is true then I'm going to be the first person to rise up against this.
Khush_Mendossa Level 3


This seems to be true...and legal.

moricien Level 2
That's a bit of exaggeration! I think they come up with this because of that lady's dogs being taken by the authorities concerned! That's a lesson for these kinds of people. But sad, their revenge was to bring shame for the situation of dogs in this country!
Khush_Mendossa Level 3

Do you think this is the case for the monkeys in captivity also?


moricien Level 2
Well, I don't know much about monkeys! Never even seen one infront of me xD
thebigfatdog Level 1
This is all fact. The International Animal Rescue, who came to Mauritius in the late 90s, made a report on the MSPCA at that time. (you can read it under radiomoris.com/forum/discussions-generales/3370-mauritius-society-prevention-cruelty-animals-mspca.html)
They offered their help at that time - but the governement was not interested!
Now, more than 12 years after, nothing has changed. And this article is now the result..
Khush_Mendossa Level 3
Hey thx for the info. A country not taking care of its animal is indeed on the highway to hell. Gonna discuss this with a veterinary today.
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