Do you like the new Facebook Timeline layout?

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3 replies
4 users
For brand pages, I think the deadline was the 30th of March 2012 but for normal users, a date hasn't been fixed yet but the change is bound to happen sometime. I don't really like the timeline interface as there's too much data on it, the previous interface was much simple and I didn't need to read from left to right and back to left. It was all from top to bottom and easier on the eyes.

What about you, do you like the timeline?

3 Replies

Khush_Mendossa Level 3
I just hate it. It's an eyesore!

And I use facebook for just a few hours a month now. It's getting lame.
1 Reply
Peaches Level 3
It's okay if you don't spend too much time on it otherwise it does get on your nerves. It doesn't really bother me
moricien Level 2
I didn't like it at first but, getting used to it now! However, if you already activated timeline and you want to use the old interface, you can depending on the browser you're using. You just need to download the required additional plugin or extensions.
Note: Your fb a.c will still be on timeline, but just the browsing will be like your old a.c :)
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