Public WiFi zones in Mauritius

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7 replies
5 users
The Ministry of Information and Communication Technology has announced that 10 public WiFi zones will be created by December 2011. There will be one in each Municipality and another 4 in different rural areas as well as one in Rodrigues.

What I'd like to know is whether access to be WiFi will be free or will you have to pay to use the service. Note that it's going to cost them Rs10,000 a month to run the WiFi at each location, so they could well charge you to access it. What do you think?

7 Replies

viks007 Level 1
hey friends but this distance anybody knows what type of access point is it???
gices Level 6
What do you mean by what type of access point it is? Are you worried that you won't be able to connect to the WiFi?
viks007 Level 1
i mean to say i wanted to know if they were putting a dlink netgear or sagem i mean wat type of modem will they use?????
gices Level 6
@viks007 : I don't know what they'll be using for the access point. Does it matter though?
sphinx Level 2
There are lots of free wifi places especially in restaurants and bars in Flic en Flac or Grand Baie because they have to please the growing number of tourists which visit these places and everyone seems to have an iPhone/iPad or other web enabled device these days. Many tourists like to update their statuses on facebook and places with free wifi will get more people and profit better.

It is good though to see other places around the country with internet access.
MikeSin Level 1
Many Municipalities have budget problems and I cannot see this being one of their priorities unless they are sponsored. I doubt that it will be a free access.
gices Level 6
@Mike : That's what I thought.

It would be a shame if it's not free wifi though because not many people are going to pay to use it. But like you said, it's more likely going to be a pay-and-go wifi access thing.
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