Ki bon recette bilinbi ena?

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Mo conner kapav fer compote ek bilinbi rond ek zasar ek bilinbi longue mais ki kitchose kapav fer enkor r sa fruit la (apart confi!)

4 Replies

sphinx Level 2
Pena bel zafer enkor! La plipar dimoune fer compote, zachar ek confi.. samem tou. ki to p rode fer toi, rougaille billinbi, lol...
1 Reply
yonne Level 2
to kapav fer satini si, ou ban compote pu fer tarte/gato, confiture lol essaye rougaille lasi kot koner :P
yash_ash Level 1

-The fruit juice has a high concentration of oxalic acid which is useful for cleaning and bleaching.
-The fruit is generally regarded as too acid for eating raw so are used extensively in soups, sauces, curries etc.
-There is a sweet variety of bilimbi in the Philippines where the sour bilimbis are called kamias,while the sweet variety is called balimbing.
-The fruits are available throughout the year.
-The tree bears hundreds of fruits per year.
-Bilimbi is preserved by sun-drying, the sun-dried bilimbi is called asam sunti.
-The leaves of bilimbi are used as a treatment for venereal disease.
-The leaf decoction is taken as a medicine to relieve from rectal inflammation.
-The fruit seems to be effective against coughs and thrush.
-It fights against cholestrol and is used as a tonic and laxative.
-The fruit is also known to control internal bleeding in the stomach.
-The leaves serve as a paste on itches, swelling, mumps or skin eruptions.
Syrup made from Bilimbi is a cure for fever and inflammation.
-It is also used to stop rectal bleeding and alleviate internal hemorrhoids.



Bilimbi pulp 1/2 kg
Sugar as required
Citric acid 1/4 tbsp
of Milk powder
100g of glucose
50g of ghee

-Make the milk powder into a thick paste with little warm water.
-Extract the pulp of the bilimbi after cooking it in a pressure cooker.
Puree out through a sieve.
-Keep the puree on a fire and when the water content in it has reduced, add the sugar, citric acid and glucose to it.
-Keep stirring so that the mixture does not stick to the bottom of the vessel.
-When the above mixture becomes slightly thick, add the paste of milk powder and ghee to it.
-Continue to cook till the mixture leaves the sides of the vessel.
-Remove from the fire and transfer into pre-greased trays and allow to set.
-Cut into desired shapes or roll into balls and wrap into butter paper when cool.
Yummy Toffee is now ready to serve.

yash_ash Level 1
  1. Bilimbi Squash


1\2 kg of Bilimbi
Sugar as required
Citric acid 1 tbsp
2 cups of water

-Beat the bilimbi in a liquidizer after adding 1/4 cup water.
-Strain the pulp through a sieve and keep the juice aside.
-In another bowl boil the remaining water and the sugar along with citric acid.
-Remove the matter that floats on the top of the syrup, using a spoon.
-When the sugar is completely dissolved, remove from the fire and add the juice of the Bilimbi to it.
-Store it in clean sun-dried bottles when cool.
-Mix it with 3 parts of water while consuming.

  1. Bilimbi Curry


1/2 kg bilimbi fruit
Salt as required
2 tablespoons oil
Fresh curry leaves
1 medium onion, finely chopped
2 fresh green chilies, seeded and sliced
1/2 teaspoon turmeric
2 teaspoons roasted ground coriander
Chilli powder as required
1/2 cup coconut milk

-Slice the bilimbi, put into a bowl and pour over just enough water to cover.
-Stir in salt and leave for 30 minutes or longer, then rinse and squeeze out as much moisture as possible from the bilimbi.
-Heat the oil in a pan and fry the curry leaves and onion until the onion is soft and starts turning golden.
-Add the chilies, turmeric, coriander and chilli powder and fry for 1 minute, then add the bilimbi and fry for 5 minutes.
-Add coconut milk and salt.
-Simmer uncovered until the mixture is thick and oily.
Will be tasty when served with rice.

  1. Bilimbi Wine


1/2 kg bilimbi
1 kg sugar
5 cups of water
1/4 teaspoon yeast

-Boil bilimbi, sugar and water together in a bowl.
Remove from flame.
-Allow it to cool down by 30 degrees.
-After it got cooled add the yeast to it.
-Once its completely cooled, pour it into a clean, sun-dried bottle.
Close the bottle with an air-tight fitting cap.
Seal for 22 days.
-After 22 days, strain out the wine through a fine cloth (folded into 4-5 layers).
-Keep this strained wine in an airtight container for another 22 days before use.
-This wine has an original golden colour.
Bilimbi wine is ready to serve.

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