My girlfriend is Mexican, what documents does she need to marry me in Mauritius?

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What are the documents that she will need to bring with her if she wants to marry with me in Mauritius? Is the fact that all her documents are in Spanish a problem?

8 Replies

RoseOfUniverse Level 3

Marriage of a non-citizen to a citizen of Mauritius

The non-citizen should have resided in Mauritius for a continuous period of at least 7 days before publication. The publication of a proposed civil marriage between a non-citizen and a citizen of Mauritius is made only at the Central Civil Status Office in Port Louis. The civil marriage shall take place at the central Civil Status Office after a period of 10 days as from the date of publication. Two witnesses are required to be present at time of the marriage ceremony.

Documents to be produced for non-citizen

  • Passport

  • Birth certificates

  • Divorce documents if applicable.

  • A certificate or certificates issued by the competent authorities or his/her country of residence attesting that he/she is of good character and is not the suspect in relation to any pending criminal proceedings, investigation or process. However, in case his/her country does not issue certificates of good character, the non-citizen can produce instead an affidavit certifying to the matters as specific above, sworn and duly authenticated in accordance with the law of his/her country of residence.

  • An affidavit sworn before the Master and Registrar of the Supreme Court of Mauritius, as well as a certificate from his/her country of residence, attesting that he/she is in gainful employment or, alternatively, has sufficient means to maintain himself/herself; and

  • Medical certificate attesting that he/she is not suffering from any infections or contagious disease.

-Both parties should disclose to each other whether they are HIV positive or have AIDS. (All documents to be submitted in original copies and duly authenticated)


priyesh723 Level 1

so i can get married to her on her first visit in mauritius... but still i have some doubts. the marriage visa, will it be issued in mauritius? and since all her documents are in spanish, where can i get her documents translated into english?

RoseOfUniverse Level 3

On arrival, the person will need to declare to the immigration that she is here to get married and then they will issue her a marriage visa.

Source: link1

Also, I am not finding any professional certificate Spanish to English Translator for(based on) Mauritius on the Internet. Can't she get her documents translated into English in Mexico?( don't forget to tell her to bring both the original birth certificate and the translated one)

Anyway, I guess she does need to get her documents translated(According to the website below..(it's not a Mauritian Website!)). Source: link2

RoseOfUniverse Level 3

Sorry...Just discovered a Mauritian Company that offers the Spanish to English Translation Service. Why don't you try contacting them?

Source: QuickProTranslation
Contact Number: +230 483 1852
Facebook Page: QuickProTranslation

priyesh723 Level 1

thanks a lot... just hope that i will be able to achieve my dream and be with the love of my life

RoseOfUniverse Level 3

It's ok, I'm happy to help! And I sincerely wish you a happy love/married life. :)
( When you call the Mauritian Company, don't forget to ask them if they will be able to translate Mexican Spanish Document.

priyesh723 Level 1

on another note... do you know how to apply for a mexican visa? or any other way how we can get a visa to visit mexico?

RoseOfUniverse Level 3

I would suggest you contact different Travel Agencies to ask these questions. :)

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