OFF Days at work

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Hi, i work in a company 7/7 and thus i am entitled to one off and one sunday in the next week. I would like to know if for my off day, do i have the right to select a day for myself or is it the company who chooses it for me?

1 Reply

gices Level 6

You can put in a request to have a specific day off but it's up to management to approve this. Most of the time they try to keep their employees happy but since the business operates 7/7, they need to make sure they have cover for all days.

If your request gets denied, you can swap your shift with a colleague. I know many people who do that when they want a certain day off.

Whether you have the right or not depends on your employment contract. I think, usually, companies tend to word it in a such a way they don't need to oblige your request. So check yours to see what it says.

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