MCB Debit card and Paypal

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Can I register for Paypal using a MCB Debit card here in Mauritius?

5 Replies

sarah_7 Level 2

You can use Sbm smile or mcb visa prepaid card to withdraw money, a US bank account or juice.
I'm told that it's possible from both paypal and the banks but i'm still having issues. Make sure your name and address are exactly like on your card

RoseOfUniverse Level 3

No, you cannot

Sisekelo Level 1
  1. What bank can I then use to sign up for paypal using a debit card?

  2. Is using paypal possible at all in Mauritius?

RoseOfUniverse Level 3

I do not think you can link your paypal with any debit card in Mauritius
(I know for sure we cant used the barclays and the bank one debit card )
and yes you can use paypal
I use a posh card from Bank one :)

anonymousIRC Level 1

here is all the things you need to know
you can verify your paypal using a prepaid card (sbm smile or mcb prepaid )
you cannot withdraw your money if you are using a prepaid card , you need to have a credit card. before applying for a credit card , there are lots of documents you need to provide mcb
if you have a debit card you won't be able to use it on paypal - you just can't , i am sorry.

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