How can we say if a person is intelligent or dumb?

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What is an intelligent person for you?What attributes does he posess?

10 Replies

gices Level 6

I don't like to label people as dumb because I think it's very rude. If we refer to the level of intelligence of someone, then you tend to meet two types of people - one is a fast learner and the other who is slow to understand and learn new things.

If someone was slow to pick things up, then I'm happy to take the time to explain things to them. However if I see someone is unwilling to back down from an argument and trying to refute facts in an attempt to prove himself correct, then I don't waste more of my time and walk away.

So for me an intelligent person is someone who is open-minded, empathetic and selfless.

How about you?

1 Reply
Mauritius2014 Level 1

in my opinion an intelligent person isnt the one who has more qualification, more money ,someone older than you or someone who has a very good job.

An intelligent people have a high level of thinking.The way they think and the fact that they share information shows that they know that knowledge is to be shared.

to know doesnt mean that you are intelligent...but to know that you dont know shows real wisdom,thus we are open to learn more.

we are all ignorant in some is better to be a voluntary ignorant than "Mr know it all".

from personal experience i have seen lots of people who use their knowledge to berate you intead of sharing.

1 Reply
gices Level 6

It's a misconception that older people are wiser.

So how do you treat people who berate you?

Mauritius2014 Level 1

Unfortunately i believed them as they were people who were related to me,i think that i gave them permission to berate me,i was very young at that moment...but now i just avoid them,i dont like to be around people like this...i dont give them importance even if they are close family

gices Level 6

It's usually harder when the people who hurt you are those who are close to you but I'm glad you made a stand for it. It's experiences like this which make you stronger :)

Mauritius2014 Level 1

But it had some consequences...the fact that i am emotional...i developed some phobias and anxiety took me 4years to fully understand myself and what happened to me.Now am in a process of re-inveenting myself but it takes time

gices Level 6

Oh I'm sorry to hear that, didn't realise it was that bad!

Mauritius2014 Level 1

it was bad ..but this has changed everything about me...i have broader view of life...i have a great sense of forces you to look within yourself

gices Level 6

I'm glad it all worked fine for you in the end :)

hahllek Level 1

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