Will the tablets distributed to college students in Mauritius help them learn better?

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Form IV and V students will be receiving these cool gadgets (distribution started 03 April 2014 I believe) and the tablets will have the following features:

  1. Allow the teacher to monitor each student's online activities during class and block them if required
  2. Prevent access to Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Instant Messaging and other social networks
  3. In case of theft, the tablet could be located as it contains an identifier
  4. Allow classroom exercises to be sent to all pupils in an class

I've read these tablets are not completely free as a fee of Rs650 needs to be paid to secure one and that both teachers and students will get one of these.

So with all that said, what do you think of this new incentive which has cost nearly Rs150 million?

2 Replies

Muzzammil Level 2

My honest opinions : Cheap tablets.. a penta tablet - 1500 RS approximately in india

Making student paying "Rs650" insurance per year.. In the end you wd end up paying for the full tablet

  • Blocking access to social network - DOesn't work, ANy APK can hack that thing

  • Newer generations are intelligent these days..

  • No sooner they would hack that with a custom rom :P

  • A tablet without internet / NO USE!!!!

  • Identifier - Without wifi.. nothing can be found..

Personally for me.. I prefer the classic world of studying. Using these stuffs will make student lazy, Studying will be far to be thought about.

Form 4 is the class right?

The new generation, A generation of technology and flirting, do you think this wd help them study? Seriously, PErsonally for me

A tablet can only help to view PDF exam papers to work without a printer saving paper cost and green the environment


kavishdeathcore Level 1

IT depends...
It has been found that these tablets has some malfunctions as they are cheap,on the other hand, Mauritius is adapting with newer livings which bring us to a new way to study. We should take some times to see how the students are working after receiving the tablets.

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