What is the best place to learn martial arts in Mauritius?

Wushu, Jiu Jitsu, Taekwondo, anything... except boxing - For self defense - male and female friendly of any age.
4 Replies
contact their respective federation and try finding a club in your area. Once your level is high enough transfer to the national one
Try Wado-Ryu Sport Karate - based on traditional wado-ryu but to which has been added the sports aspect. Visit our facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/wrsmaa
I found a few places and links which might help you
KYOKUSHINKAI MARTIAL ARTS FEDERATION MAURITIUS 3 A, Tulsidas Lane PORT LOUIS Tel: (+230) 208 6915 - Fax.: (+230) 201 3562 Email: aojeewa@intnet.mu
There is another place in vacoas : Shaolin Fitness Centre 2nd Floor, API Commercial Building Vacoas, Plaines Wilhems, Mauritius Téléphone 5786-2525 /5774-3978 Adresse électronique vacoas_shaolin@yahoo.com
You may also check out the website of mauritius sport council, they have good links of places offering these sports Mauritius sport council
Check RPI Academy, they have lots of martial arts courses including JKD (Jeet Kune Do) and it is run by someone who has been awarded by the direct lineage of Bruce Lee.
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