What makes people continue eating meat even if they know it's evil?

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15 replies
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This is a question that I meditate on often but can't find any answer.


15 Replies

Nakedmind Level 1

Huh evil.. uh Big word here ...A number of studies have shown that plants feel pain, and vegetables are picked and often eaten while still alive. Animal rights activists with their blabla (most of the time ( religious belief motivation) but has anyone ever protested for vegetable rights?

Here are ten things plants do that look pretty damn smart :

  1. Plants communicate with insects
  2. Plants have memories
  3. Plants create communication networks
  4. Plants grow differently in response to sound
  5. Plants measure time
  6. Plants know up from down
  7. Plants know who is family and who isn't
  8. Plants warn each other about approaching enemies
  9. Plants use camouflage.
  10. Plants are escape artists

Source : io9.com

2 Reply
gices Level 6

@Nakedmind : Good arguments. I've condensed your answer to the bullet points and referenced the source. It's much neater this way :)

Peaches Level 3

How is it evil? Plants have life too just like moricien said. If killing animals is evil because they are living then eating veg and fruit is evil too. Besides you aren't giving any valid points as to why eating meat is so bad.

Khush_Mendossa Level 3

SO you mean eating meat is not evil? Prove it. Plants are not conscious, they react. Animals have feelings. That's why non-veg people are said to lack empathy.

Peaches Level 3

You still haven't answered mine or anyone else's questions, how is eating meat evil?

Khush_Mendossa Level 3

"That's why non-veg people are said to lack empathy." I answered it 3 times I think.

moricien Level 2

Dude, you always have a problem with meat?? Why?? Fruits and vegetables have life equally, then killing them is "lack of empathy and also killing them "for your taste" is EVIL!!! Stop eating man!! bahh...

Khush_Mendossa Level 3

Fruits have life? This is the best joke I've heard in a while. Thanks for cheering me up.

moricien Level 2

Good that cheered you up! I really do hope, you'll stop with these lines "meat is evil"!!

Seriously dude, if you suffer you can't see people eat meat, then suffer, it'll not stop people to eat meat, with these rubbish question you ask about meat everytime!

Khush_Mendossa Level 3

Another cheering up joke.

legend Level 1

Is it a proven fact that eating meat is 'evil' as you say?

Nerdy_Shika Level 1

Killing animals for your taste-buds IS evil!

legend Level 1

To be honest I don't have any problem with a person's PERSONAL dietary choice unless they start to impose it on me. I do not feel the need to apologise for the fact that I love eating chiken, beef, etc.

I do not find eating meat to be 'evil'.

Iron_Man Level 2

how is meat evil??

Khush_Mendossa Level 3

Lack of empathy is evilness.

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