water shortage again in mauritius!!!!

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i dnt see any ads, communiqué...for proper use of water! what are they waiting for? last minute? lerla zt pou dir pei dan le rouge!!!

4 Replies

gices Level 6

The water problem is a yearly thing and as soon we get into the summers months, we're bound to have empty taps. I understand your point of view and a little heads up would have been great but I think we need to be more proactive because communication from the government may not be reliable.

@Khush : Do you know if the hose ban is on?

Khush_Mendossa Level 3

No ban for the moment. Was watering my plants some moments ago ^_^

Viik_Esh Level 1

i need some information on the distribution of water in mauritius for domestic,irrigation,etc...statistical information also

Khush_Mendossa Level 3

If you read the newspapers they mentioned it twice this months via an article.

But general ads are not being conducted. Mauritians need to be aware of this already. We are not ignorant.

Edit: At the moment on MBC there's a campaign going about water shortage.

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