Car Rental for Rs800 a day?

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Do you know someone willing to rent me a car for around RS 800/day ??

4 Replies

gices Level 6

At the beginning of the year (January), I rented a Kia Picanto (quite small car) for that price from Sunny Beach Tours which is located in Port-Louis (off Deforges Street). Call them on 2405245.

There's also another car hire company in P-Louis where you could get that sort of price or even from Rs600/day for older cars but I wouldn't recommend them because I don't think they are very professional. I had to make several calls and waited quite a while before they returned my calls, so I wouldn't even name them although they are quite a popular company.

Atti_dude Level 1

Do you think they will let me their car for a day ?

gices Level 6

Well as long as you have a valid driving licence and the money to pay, I don't see why they won't give you the car. Try giving them a call to see for yourself.

Atti_dude Level 1

okay thanks!!

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