To get a Visa, your passport must be sent to Africa first. Is this stupid or good?

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It's very slow. Every people who have applied for a visa tells me the government has totally failed.

4 Replies

Peaches Level 3

According the website you can get the visa issued in 40 days. I didn't know that the passport got sent to Africa though.

gices Level 6

To get a visa for which country?

Khush_Mendossa Level 3

Mostly for London. Students are affected badly. I even know students who have done all registrations in UK universities but due to extreme time that it takes to send documents to Africa (sometimes they are rejected and takes double time), they need to redo all procedures and start late or next year.

gices Level 6

I thought the visa was issued by the British Embassy here. I remember going to Les Cascades Building on Edith Cavell Street (Port-Louis) for an interview before getting my passport stamped with the visa.

When was this new procedure implemented?

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