Are teabags being phased out?

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Everytime I go to Super U they never have Bois Cheri teabags, its the same for another supermarket I go to, not sure if its winners or Tangs Way in Beau Bassin, but they too never have teabags!

Are they going to stop selling them eventually? Anyone else noticed this?

3 Replies

gices Level 6

It might be a coincidence that the times you went to the supermarkets, they were out of stock for the tea bags. I wouldn't think they would stop selling them because expats are used to them and considering the number of tourists and expats here, it wouldn't make sense business wise.

Khush_Mendossa Level 3

I never use teabags. And I'm seeing everyone switching to 'Lapaille dithe' because it's better. So I guess it's starting to become rare.

Peaches Level 3

Oh no! I hate 'lapaille dithe', I don't have time to boil it every morning plus I have always used teabags. I guess I'll have to change tea then :(

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