Rs100,000 for a tomb made out of stone, can Mauritians really afford this?

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I just called a quite famous Funeral Directors company to inquire about the costs of getting a tombstone made and I got the shock of my life. He quoted Rs100,000 for a tomb made out of stones!
stone tomb
Do you think there's any justification in the price? I might need to change career if that's the case.

5 Replies

Iron_Man Level 2
that's very expensive....
i think the stone one was made for rich people who want a beautiful tomb with the carvings and decorations etc...
but for the poor people they just want to bury their loved ones and pray for them..they don't want to show off...
moricien Level 2
What?? OMG!!! I got the shock of my life here!!! that's really unfair!! the price is totally unjust!! How could the poor afford so much of money, to pay for this?? and if they did afford to pay this, then they gonna be indebted all their lives for the money taken on loan to build such a tomb!
Peaches Level 3
That's scandalous! It costs around Rs 68,000 for a granite tombstone in England so I will imagine that stone will be much cheaper, how does Mauritius get away with these prices?
Khush_Mendossa Level 3
The price of stone itself is high. And it is a taboo career for many people. Hence, it justifies the high price.

But it still is a lot of money!

By the way my deepest sympathy to you if you've lost someone.
gices Level 6
I don't think it's a taboo career but rather something that many people will not willingly choose to do, just like being a rubbish collector. I understand that the stone itself is expensive and the carving, polishing requires some skilled hand but I think it's a complete rip off still.

Let's say the average salary is Rs20,000, you'd have to save for more than 5 months (because you need to factor your food, bills etc) just to get a tomb made.

Like with everything else that I've noticed here, people get away with unjustified prices because other wealthy or more comfortable people are ready to pay those prices. And this is how the poor people get left behind.

Btw, thanks for your concern but I haven't lost anyone. I was just curious to know how much they charge for these services, lol.
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