Writing an essay that stands out

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Many people do not like to write down an essay let alone one that stands out. Very often we find ourselves going round in circles in trying to jot down some ideas and make it into something that makes sense. There is no magical way to write down an essay but handling the language itself is a pre-requisite and for that the only solution is to read a lot. Through this you build a solid backbone for yourself to make your ideas flow smoothly and this will surely pave the way to A+ essays in the long run.

When it comes to essay writing, the first thing is to know your subject well and to be able to answer the question. The title is very important as the whole essay is based on it, so take your time to think about it and know exactly what it demands of you. Highlight the key words in it and stick to them because however beautifully you may write your essay, if it is irrelevant to the subject, all your efforts go down the drain. Gather your ideas, you do not have to rush, think it through and make a flowchart of your ideas and go by that. During an exam, this flowchart may help the invigilator to understand what you’re aiming at even if you do not have enough time to finish your work. You must write about stuff that you know about, make some research on the subject matter beforehand noting down all the crucial parts for your essay.

Once you’re done with the preliminaries, do some brainstorming to get things right in your head. The aim of the essay is to see if you can critically analyse a subject and make relevant observations. Start with the body of the essay, make sure that your ideas flow and analyse well what you are trying to say, whether it a general topic or an argument, do not get entangled in something pointless like going against your own arguments. Help your invigilator through the essay by going for headings and sub headings where necessary. Use citations and references as needed and in the proper way. Quote people and sayings to support your arguments. The number of paragraphs depends on your subject, your knowledge of the subject and number of words limit, but generally 4 paragraphs are enough (excluding introduction and conclusion). There is no need to write a lot about something that you are not familiar with for the sake of having a long essay.

The introduction is one of the most important parts of the essay and the most difficult part to write. It gives the invigilator a notion of what the whole essay is based on and if you do not make a good job out of it, the person automatically loses interest in the essay. Write concisely on the subject introducing the essay; be clear and smart with hints on what you will be talking about (you can start with a general assumption or saying). Then thread on the ideas that you have already jotted down. In your conclusion, wrap up everything that you have been discussing about and remember that you do not add new ideas in that part, just a brief summary. Once done, proofread your essay to erase out silly grammatical mistakes, check out punctuations and verb tenses.
yonne Level 2
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