Are the speed cameras being used efficiently in Mauritius?

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I mean we all know it's supposed to be in place to discourage people from over speeding n all. For example it has been installed at certain places along the Motorway in Pl where speed limit is 80. Other places where Speed limit is 110. I think that's fair, cause it does reduces the risks of accidents. But then y do these people place these cameras where speed limit is 50 and that too in peak hours when u r going to work. And then even those who do < 55 km/h have to pay 2000 rs??

4 Replies

iseeganyahoocom Level 1
Now they do rear tracking with the sensys speed carefull!!!lol..A photo of your car at the back will be taken if u speed..
gices Level 6
The police have a new gadget and can't get enough of it, so they're putting it everywhere; just like a child with a new toy, lol :)

Btw the speeding fine is Rs2000, right?

If the speed limit is 50km/h, then anything over that is really considered speeding although there should be a +(-)10% margin on the speed limit.
sachin Level 1
ya rs 2000, absolutely ridiculous if u have to pay that for driving on 52km/h instead of the limit 50.
sphinx Level 2
I think the Mauritian government is trying to follow Europe and the US by implementing these speeding cameras and that's why they also want you to change your licence plates to help catching those who are going over the speed limit.

However, they should place it where it makes sense like on the motorway where people go over 130Km per hour as these devices cost a lot of money to setup and maintain.

The Port-Louis traffic is horrible, they really to sort this out.
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