What do you think about Coca Cola Blowing Blubbles in the Sky marketing strategy?

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With more than 40 million fans on their Facebook page, Coca Cola has recently launched a URL riddle game. You are asked to fill in the blank for a URL and if you get it right, you're taken to a website where you can chill. This one in particular is worth a try:


You can use your mouse and click to release bubbles in the sky but you can also blow into your microphone as well.

Quite ingenious I think, what about you?

5 Replies

gices Level 6
Nice way of engaging their users I suppose. But once you've done it, I mean you've played it, you wouldn't do it again, would you? So although it's gaining a lot of traction now, it's a one off thing and they'll have to come up with other ideas to keep their fans entertained.
Nothing lasts forever :P
Khush_Mendossa Level 3
Very cool website. I like the chirping.
Khush_Mendossa Level 3
I wish to point out that when I use microphone, it blows continuously even if I'm not blowing!
So the mic does not work as expected then.
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