How to buy seeds online from Mauritius?

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Hello guys,

I want to buy pepper, flower and other plant seeds from ebay and similar websites as these are not available locally. Has anyone been able to do so and is there any restrictions/issues, etc?

I'll be looking to buy seeds in very small quantities (10-25 per package ) and most are from either the UK, India and China. Thanks!

4 Replies

gices Level 6

You will need:

An Import Permit (Rs50) Seeds/plants are restricted items so you need to get an import permit first.

Phytosanitary Certificate ($100 - 150) The seller has to provide you with this. It basically states the requirements that the exporting country should comply to ensure the planting material imported are free from dangerous pests or diseases which are harmful to the agricultural industry in the country are being adhered to.

Inspection Charge (Rs100) All agricultural commodities will be inspected by Plant Quarantine Inspectors.

It's quite a lot to go through and you can find more info about this on the Ministry of Agro Industry and Food Security website.

Note that most seeds will undergo seed health testing before being handed back to you. So you may only go down this route if you really want a particular seed not available in Mauritius.

Otherwise I suggest you check the different nurseries around the island to try and get hold of the seeds you're looking for locally.

sarah_7 Level 2

it's in the restricted goods list for imports. You might need a permit

akash_1 Level 1

Thanks for the reponse. I did call the Ministry of Agriculture earlier and they said that the seller will need to provide a phytosanitary certificate which costs over $100 - 150. That's quite a shame for a couple of chilli seeds that cost a minute fraction of that!

sarah_7 Level 2

like Giece said. It's better to buy local ones. You know that local ones will adapt to our country's climate. Personally I'm going to buy local ones.

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