Where can I buy the software Antidote HD by Druide (software for writing in French) ?

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Antidote HD a grammar and spelling tool for writing in French. Available in France, UK, Canada. Is there a reseller in Mauritius?

3 Replies

gices Level 6
Shops in Mauritius tend to stock softwares that are more popular like Windows, Microsoft Office, Adobe products etc. You can go to a reliable computer shop and get them order it for you but I think it would be easier if you order it from Amazon.fr as that's what Druide's website advise if you want to purchase over the Internet.
MikeSin Level 1
Unfortunately, Amazon.fr does not ship software or hardware to Mauritius. I will enquire with online e-commerce in Mauritius.
gices Level 6
That's such a shame. They should really start delivering to Mauritius as many people are now turning to the Internet for shopping.
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