Is our city less modernised due to the government boycotting projects in constituencies that vote for the opposition?

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Que pensez-vous de cette affirmation? «Notre ville est moins modernisée parce que le gouvernement boycotte les projets des régions et des circonscriptions qui votent pour l'opposition. Croire que voter rend l'opposition fait d'habitants sous-citoyens. ''

How is it applicable to our country?

2 Replies

gices Level 6

Politics is an ugly thing.

This is a fierce game because the prize is undoubtedly enticing.

If you're going to run for election in a specific constituency, you'll want the majority of people in this region to vote for you to secure a win. So you'll develop that region better, listen to the problems the people there are facing and seriously act upon them to make sure the people like you. Do you care about other regions? Not really!

Boycotting or not, it's all fair game but sadly it's always the citizens who are victims.

sarah_7 Level 2

yes I read this claim was on a forum. I wonder if it's a way of blackmailing to implement dictatorship like venezuela crisis where medecines were the blackmail.

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