What would be the outcome of a Meritocratic Mauritius?

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Meritocracy - The most suitable(qualified) for a job gets selected.

Steps which could be undertaken to make sure that meritocracy is enforced:

  1. Job selection is carried out in absolute transparency.( The necessary information about the selection process and the selected is made available to the public through different media. e.g The selected's qualifications)
  2. A person is selected according to a clear set of objective criteria. (The job requirements).

A just and fair process which would eliminate any form of bias(discrimination) such as gender, ethnic background, look, bribe and so on.

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gices Level 6

Based on meritocracy, Mauritius would see real progress.

Government services would improve. I'm talking about a Digital Mauritius whereby applications for most things could be made online, with ability to track your application and clear idea when they are likely to be processed. Transport would become more efficient with accurate timings of departure/arrivals and congestion would be tackled through decentralisation. Hospital services would become better and people would trust more in the police force, knowing they are here to protect them in a fair way.

There would be less unemployed graduates and less hawkers (marsan ambulan) because education would be prioritised.

The standard of living would improve because the country would be progressing. There would be clearer visions of the future, more eco friendly products, greener solutions.

People would not want to leave Mauritius and go abroad; they would stay because the society would be awesome.

But we can only dream :)

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BadFundodo Level 1

True. A more competent workforce can only be beneficial to:
1.The company itself, which is likely to be more successful.
2.Those who interact with the company.
3.The entire Nation as well.

It will probably, eventually lead to a fairer, more just, happier, smooth functioning and less frustrated society. An incentive for hard workers as they would know that hard work will eventually be justly rewarded.

A single incompetent individual has the ability to destabilize an entire system. Check out the Nick Leeson Case in your free time. The Baring Bank collapse.

I believe that implementing meritocracy will be mostly, if not entirely be more beneficial to all except the greedy ones who use their status/power to abuse the system. Crooked political system.

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