Got married in Mauritius but obtained divorce abroad, how to get it recognised in Mauritius?

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I am asking this question on behalf of my partner. He has completed a divorce for his Mauritian marriage in the UK. However am I right to believe even though he has paid for this process to make him officially divorced in the UK, that he also needs to do a process in Mauritius too?

He has been outside of Mauritius for over 10 years now so which is the easiest way to inform the Mauritian embassy that he is has completed the UK divorce procedure and to update their records? Maybe go to an embassy?

Hope somebody can help!!

Thanks :)

6 Replies

DNA Level 1


I am in the process of doing my exquatur in Mauritius, anyone can recommend an attorney? Do I have to use a barrister and an attorney or just an attorney?

Many thanks for all your help.


gices Level 6

You will need to ask your partner to apply for the foreign judgement of the divorce to be made executory under the Supreme Court (Exequatur of Foreign Judgements in Divorce Cases) Rules 2004.

Source : Virahsawmy Chambers

emmalou Level 1

Sounds technical, could you put simpler? On like where or how?

gices Level 6

I'm sorry but I don't know much about legal matters myself and this is the only information I could find to help you. I was hoping this would put you in the right direction.

What you can do is give the company I listed above a call and find out exactly what needs doing.

michelretournee Level 1

simply get a copy of the judgement from Uk Court with Convention de la Haye stamp
Give it to an attorney in Mauritius.
If fact you will have to bear the costs of Counsellers as this is done at the Supreme Court in chambers. At the supreme court you have to be represented by a lawyer. You don't even have to attend. He will do everything for you within one week if you have all the papers ready.
I did this about 3 years ago

EVAA Level 1

Hi Michelretournee thank you for what you have posted. Can you give me more information about the papers to hand over to the lawyer apart from the judgement ftom the UK Court please?
Thank you

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