Can the snails in Mauritius be used as a beauty product?

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African snails are now used as a beauty product. They walk on the face and 'leave their cream' for a more youthful-looking complexion and improving the appearance of scars, wrinkles and acne.

8 Replies

yash_ash Level 1
I have used the snail cream and I found it "miraculous". Nonetheless, as the cream was over my skin was no more that beautiful. Also, it is definitely an expensive cream and one can try other alternatives as well !!
1 Reply
Khush_Mendossa Level 3
Your skin was no more that beautiful? You mean it made your skin worse than before?
yash_ash Level 1

I meant to say that when I stopped using the cream, my skin was no more glowing.

Fluffy_Unicorn Level 1

As with most beauty products some effects wont last for a lifetime. I use it to help with scars and it works wonders even when I i've stopped using it . Regarding making the skin more healthy looking /glowing as long as you use it , you will see the effect. I guess it is because our cells regenerate, the effects dont last if you dont keep on applying it.

Peaches Level 3
lol no, snails used for beauty treatments have been cleaned and treated so we don't catch anything. That's such a bizarre treatment, saying that my best friend was going to buy snail cream, eww. Luckily she didn't, it was very expensive too. Turmeric works just as well, lol
Khush_Mendossa Level 3
I have heard about snail cream and they say it's miraculous. Why your friend didn't buy it by the way??
gices Level 6
I don't think you can use any snails for beauty treatment. Just like snails that are eaten in France as a delicacy are specially bred for that purpose, those used for enhancing beauty are special ones too.

Would you be willing to try letting a snail slime on your face to see if you become more handsome, lol?
Khush_Mendossa Level 3
Lol. I thought as we are african country the snails also might be xD
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