What's the best chinese restaurant in Port-Louis?

Not just in terms of food but also level of service!
9 Replies
Domaine anna is not in port louis nor is it a Chinese restaurant. it is a really good international
Restaurant and is in Flic en Flac. Ti Ton Ton in Port Louis is excellent. It's very busy at lunch time because a lot of local office staff and workers go there which is always the best recommendation in any country! It is in the Camp Yoloff area of Port Louis near an old church called St Antoine I think. A 5 minute walk from the harbour side and passed the bus station.
Yep, you're right, Domaine Annna is in Flic en Flac.
I've never been to Ti Ton Ton. What's its speciality?
They are not the same - Canton is managed by the father and Grand Canton by the son - more information available there http://grandcanton.mu
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