How to lose weight

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Whether you think that you are overweight or have gone over the board during the past holidays, you often ask yourself as to how to lose the ugly calories and get your lean slim body back. People in Mauritius are now image-aware and they want to look great in whatever they wear. There are many ways to do it with many of them not safe at all such as miracle pills that promise you to obtain a model’s body in a week. You have to be health conscious and not go for fishy medicine because the marketing industry is there to lure you into buying their products often at the detriment of your health.

The first thing to do when it comes to losing weight is to have the appropriate motivation so as to carry out what you intend to do. Have some specific goals like how much weight to want to lose, how you intend to go about doing your business; write everything down in a notebook and measure how well you are doing regularly (measure tape, scale, BMI). Of course you will not see results immediately, you did not gain all the kilos in one day and so it is stupid to believe that you will lose them in a matter of days; dedication and strong will is what will get you where you want. There are many ways to lose weight but to make the task easier, go for one method at a time. Ironically, the best way to lose weight is to simply have a healthy diet and be health conscious.

One of the most effective natural ways to get the body of your dream is to exercise; it is totally healthy and keeps you fit too. Start with walking: 30minutes a day and you will notice some change after a few weeks. Whenever possible, go for the stairs rather than lifts and keep your car at home and walk to your working place if it is not too far away. Alternatively, you can do other sports like swimming, jogging, playing tennis etc at least once a week or even go to the gym to burn off the extra calories.

When it comes to your eating habits, be smart in your choices. Nowadays, most food packages come with labels as to the number of calories they contain, be conscious of what you are buying and go for food with fewer calories; cross out full fat products, sweets, soft drinks and snacks. Instead make your diets as balanced as possible with a lot of vegetables and fruits and opt for wholemeal bread and non refined foodstuff like flour, sugar etc. Have fat free yoghurt, fruits and nuts for snack. When you decide to go on a diet, there is no need to be an extremist like eating in small portions or restricting yourself altogether; this may prompt you to eat even more because you may be restraining yourself too much. Eat in the right quantities as per the need of your body rather than out of greed and keep all your favourite deserts as rewards when you feel that you are doing good on your diet. It has been shown that psychologically it helps to eat in small plates and with Chinese sticks since you are eating lesser food and have time to chew better and feel full for longer.

Also, water is the ideal friend of the one who wishes to lose weight. It has no calories, provides a full feeling and it also eliminates toxins off your body! Green tea too is a good remedy. Spicy foods are thought to accelerate your metabolism but be moderate in what you eat. Fibre also takes a lot of time to be digested and very importantly always remove the skin off your chicken as it contains a fair amount of fat. There is no magic solution to lose weight, it all depends on what you want to achieve and how you plan to do so. Go for programmes and centres that help people lose weight, the more support you have, the easier it becomes for you to do it!
yonne Level 2
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