Where to get USB TV Tuner card for PC?

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3 replies
4 users

What shop and where located?

I'm looking for a DVB-T USB TV Tuner card for PC. One that has a coaxial port would be preferable.

I hope clever dodo is still active. 'haven't been here for a while.

3 Replies

gices Level 6

You can get one at MNL Computers which is located at Plaine des Papayes. Apparently the price is Rs800. So better give them a call on 7818802 to find out.

Website : http://www.mnlcomputers.tk/

PS : Welcome Back :)

Khush_Mendossa Level 3

Rose-Hill behind Bank One. Where old library Le-Cigne was. Last time I checked they were selling it at about Rs2000.

Also, Polaris at Rose-Hill in front of Bank One.

xuser3483 Level 1

Well I've been there last Saturday but there were no electronics shop there.

Polaris does not have it.

Thanks for your answer though.

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